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Name |
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Author |
Summary |
Apostles’ Creed |
2nd Century A.D. |
Unknown |
Baptismal Creed used in Rome. |
Nicene Creed |
325 A.D. 381 A.D. |
Assembled church leaders at the Council of Nicea and the Council of Constantinople. |
This Creed intends to clearly state on the basis of Scripture that Jesus Christ is true God equal with the Father and that the Holy Spirit is also true God, equal with the Father and the Son. |
Athanasian Creed |
6th-8th Century A.D. |
Unknown. Named after the great church father Athanasius, who was instrumental in the drafting of the Nicene Creed. |
This Creed confesses the doctrine of the Trinity and the Person and work of Jesus Christ in detail to refute false teachings concerning those doctrines. |
Small Catechism |
1529 A.D. |
Martin Luther |
A short work that was intended by Luther to educate the laity in the fundamentals of the Christian Faith. |
Large Catechism |
1529 A.D. |
Martin Luther |
A thorough covering the same chief parts of Christian doctrine as the Small Catechism (the Large Catechism is really a series of re-edited sermons that Luther preached). |
Augsburg Confession |
1530 A.D. |
Philip Melanchthon |
Often viewed as the chief Lutheran Confession; it was presented by the Lutherans to Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Augsburg as a statement of the chief articles of the Christian faith as understood by Lutherans. It also contained a listing of abuses within the Roman Catholic Church. |
Apology of the Augsburg Confession |
1531 A.D. |
Philip Melanchthon |
After the Roman theologians had condemned many of the teachings of the Augsburg Confession, Melanchthon authored this lengthy defense of it. |
Smalcald Articles |
1536 A.D. |
Martin Luther |
Articles of faith written by Luther for an upcoming ecumenical council, stating what the Lutherans could not compromise and why. |
Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope |
1537 A.D. |
Philip Melanchthon |
Was intended to serve as a supplement to the Augsburg Confession, giving the Lutheran position on the Pope. |
Formula of Concord |
1577 A.D. |
Jacob Andreae, |
A restatement of some teachings in the Augsburg Confession over which Lutherans had become divided. The Solid Declaration is the unabridged version. The Epitome is an abridged version intended for congregations to study. Over 8,100 pastors and theologians signed it, as well as over 50 government leaders. |