Time & Purpose:
The Book of Judges spans approximately three hundred fifty years, covering the time from 1440-1090 B.C. (but is not in chronological order). We are told that when Jephthah became judge, three hundred years had passed since the people had occupied their assigned portions of the Promised Land after the exodus (11:26). Then followed forty years in which Israel groaned under the oppression of the Philistines (13:1), from which Samson began to deliver them, while Samuel completed the task.
The key chapter is 2, which talks about Israel’s problem and God’s plan. Note the constant refrain in the first chapter, “...did not drive them out...” The reasons for this were ...fear ...finance... (1:19,21,27-35).
In the previous book we saw the people of Israel obedient under the rule of Joshua, taking possession of the land of Canaan through trust in the power of God. In Judges, however, we find a disobedient and idolatrous people rebelling against the LORD again and again (2:7-19; 3:7,12; 4:1; 6:1,25; 8:33; 10:6; 13:1). Thus, what should have been Israel’s Golden Age under God’s gracious rulership, instead became a continuing, three-and-a-half century cycle of sin, chastisement, repentance, and deliverance (2:10-23).
The Lord chastised the disobedient people of Israel by means of their heathen neighbors, both without and within (2:20-3:6). When the people repented, the LORD accomplished His deliverance by means of a series of Judges. Generally speaking, these were not judges in the modern sense of the term. Rather, they were deliverers, saviors (3:9, 15; 6:15), mighty men of valor (6:12; 11:1), heroes sent by God to conquer Israel’s enemies.
In this way the name fits the book, which chronicles the deeds worked by the LORD through His Judges. The most famous of these Judges would likely be Samson (chapters 13-16), and Gideon (6:1-8:32). But there were a total of sixteen Judges about whom the Scriptures tell us, including: Othniel (3:7-11); Ehud (3:12-30); Shamgar (3:31); Deborah and Barak (ch 4,5); Abimelech (9:1-57); Tola (10:1-2); Jair (10:3-5); Jephthah (10:6-12:7); Ibzan (12:8-10); Elon (12:11-12); and Abdon (12:13-15). In addition, the deeds of Eli and Samuel, who were also Judges, are recorded in the Books of Samuel.
The Holy Writer and Authenticity:
Generally speaking we know that this book was recorded by one writer due to the frequent repetition of terms. Phrases such as: “Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD.” We also know that the book of Judges was written at a time when Israel already had a king (17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25). However, it could not have been written later than the beginning of the reign of King David (cf. 1:21; 2 Samuel 5:6-9). For this reason Jewish tradition has held that Samuel was the holy writer.
The authenticity of this book has never been seriously challenged, in spite of the fact that we can determine nothing definite about the writer. Although the writer of this book is not named in Scripture, we have many proofs to the authenticity of the Book from Scripture itself. Several of the judges are named other places in the Old Testament: (e.g. Othniel - 1 Chronicles 4:13; Tola - 1 Chronicles 7:1-2; Jair - 1 Kings 4:13, 1 Chronicles 2:22-23; Jephthah - 1 Samuel 12:11; and Gideon - 1 Samuel 12:11 cf. Judges 6:32).
Some of the Judges mentioned here are also spoken of in the “Heros of Faith” chapter of Hebrews where we read, “And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens” (Hebrews 11:32-34).
There are also several sections of Scripture which summarize this period of Israel’s history in general terms without naming any Judge in specific (cf. Nehemiah 9:26-31; Psalm 78:56-66 and Psalm 106:34-46). Paul speaks to the people of Antioch of the history of the Children of Israel in this time of Joshua and Judges saying, “And when He had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, He distributed their land to them by allotment. After that He gave them judges for about four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet” (Acts 13:19-20).
Christ In Judges:
The Second Person of the Trinity does make several appearances in the Book of Judges, one to Gideon at the beginning of His judgeship (6:11-24) and later to assure Manoah and his wife that they would have a child, Samson (13:3-22). Notice how the description changes back and forth from “the angel of the LORD” (6:12,20, 21,22) to “the LORD” (6:14,23).
While none of the Judges are directly named in Scripture as types of Christ, the parallel is obvious. Each Judge is a savior and a ruler, a spiritual and political deliverer. In this way these Judges portray the role of Christ as the Savior-King of His people.
Note also the various occupations held by the different Judges: Othniel and Gideon are warrior-rulers; Eli is a priest; and Samuel is a prophet. This presents to us a composite picture of the three offices of Christ, who was the ultimate Prophet, Priest, and King.
I. Israel’s Departure from the LORD! (1:1-3:4)
A. Israel fails to remove the Canaanites. (1:1-36)
B. The LORD tests Israel with the Canaanites. (2:2-3:4))
II. Israel’s Deliverance by the LORD! (3:5-16:31)
A. The Minor Judges: Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar. (3:5-31)
B. The Major Judge: Deborah (4:1-5:31)
C. The Major Judge: Gideon (6:1-9:57)
D. The Minor Judges: Tola and Jair. (10:1-5)
E. The Major Judge: Jepthah. (10:6-12:7)
F. The Minor Judges: Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon. (12:8-15)
G. The Major Judge: Samson. (13:1-16:31)
III. Israel’s depravity before the LORD! (17:1-21:25)
A. Israel’s sin of idolatry. (17:1-18:31)
B. Israel’s sin of immorality. (19:1-21:25)
Note: This study was prepared for the Bible Class at Zion Lutheran Church, Lawrenceville, GA by Pastor Nathanael Mayhew.