Easter Sunday
April 8, 2007
Hymns: 192; 199; 804; 189; 188; 208; 203; 194; 735; 728; 193
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Theme: The Facts of the Resurrection!
Scripture reading: 1 Corithians 15:1-7
In the Name of our Risen and ever-living Savior, Jesus Christ, Dear Fellow Redeemed:
Fact or fiction? Many theories and lies concerning the death and the resurrection of Jesus have been advanced throughout the centuries. You may have heard the recent publicity that has been given to a tomb near Jerusalem that was discovered many years ago which has been supposed to contain the remains of the body of Jesus. What is fact, and what is fiction?
When we are dealing with matters that have implications for our eternity we had better be confident that our faith is resting on more than theory. We want to rest our faith and the hope of our salvation on the rock of fact. So lets look at the facts of the resurrection.
Hymn: 199 - Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia!
Part 1 - The Old Testament Fulfilled
Scripture readings: Psalm 16:9-11; Isaiah 53:10
The fifty third chapter of Isaiah is well known for its vivid and clear description of the suffering and death of the Messiah. Seldom is that section of Scripture thought of in connection with the resurrection of Jesus - but the resurrection of Jesus is clearly promised by Isaiah in those verses. Speaking of Jesus, the Suffering Servant, the LORD promises through Isaiah: “He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days!”
God had promised hundreds of years earlier that Jesus would not only die on the cross “numbered with the transgressors” and give His soul as “an offering for sin” through death, but that Jesus would also live again to see the result of His work!
Tied to the Old Testament promise of the Messiah who would die as a sacrifice for our sins was the promise that He would not remain in the grave - He would rise again and live forevermore! Jesus fulfilled all of the other Old Testament prophecies concerning His work as our redeemer, and He fulfilled this promise as well. Old Testament prophecy concerning the resurrection of Jesus confirms our confidence in the fact of the resurrection - both His and ours!
Hymn: 804 - With Joy our Voices Now we Raise
Part 2 - The Word and Promise of Jesus
The resurrection of Jesus not only fulfilled Old Testament Bible prophecy, but it also fulfilled the very words of Jesus Himself. Throughout His ministry Jesus had spoken to His disciples and even the unbelieving Jews about His approaching death and resurrection. He made it very clear to all people what His purpose was.
Scripture readings: John 2:18-22; Matthew 12:40
When Jesus cleansed the temple at the beginning of His ministry, he told the Jews who questioned Him, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). Another time when the Jews asked for a sign from Jesus He compared Himself to the prophet Jonah saying, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).
Scripture reading: Luke 18:31-33
As Jesus death drew closer, Jesus told His followers very clearly what was going to happen. He told them that He was going to Jerusalem to die, but He also promised them that He would rise again. The words of Jesus recorded in Scripture confirm for us the fact of the resurrection. He promised that He would rise again. He assured them that He would be victorious over death. We have been reconciled! He is arisen!
Hymn: 189 - He is arisen! Glorious Word!
Part 3 - The Power of Jesus over Death
Perhaps the reason why there are so many theories surrounding Jesus’ resurrection is because a resurrection to life defies human logic. Wherever we look, we see things dying, and none of us have witnessed a resurrection. A resurrection to life just isn’t logical. But throughout Jesus’ life and ministry He proved that He had power over death.
Scripture reading: Luke 8:53-55
Jesus crashed every funeral He attended. He demonstrated His power over death by restoring life to the young daughter of a Jewish synagogue official named Jairus simply by saying, “Little girl, arise.” He also raised to life a widow’s only son, from the city of Nain, and called His friend Lazarus from the grave after He had been dead for four days.
But Jesus also told the people that He had the power to raise Himself from the dead as well. He said: “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again” (John 10:17-18). Jesus has power over death, and He assures us of the fact of the resurrection. Hallelujah! Jesus lives!
Hymn: 188 - Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!
Part 4 - The Declaration of the Angels
On the night of Jesus’ birth angels were dispatched to proclaim the good news to shepherds. The angel declared: “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). Angels were sent to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ birth and were sent again to announce the good news of His resurrection.
Scripture reading: Mark 16:1-8
When the women came to the tomb early on Sunday morning they heard a message similar to the one the shepherds heard on Christmas night: “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.”
Angels are messengers of God. The Easter angels were sent by God to announce: “He is Risen!” The angels themselves are also reliable witnesses to the FACT of the resurrection. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Hymn: 208:1-3, 9-10 - Ye Sons and Daughters of the King
Part 5 - The Empty Tomb
Scripture reading: John 20:1-10
The women who followed and ministered to Jesus during His ministry had observed the crucifixion of Jesus, they had seen Joseph and Nicodemus take the body of Jesus down from the cross, followed them to the tomb where they had placed the lifeless body of Jesus in the grave, and watched as they rolled a large stone over the entrance. Now on Sunday morning when they returned after the Sabbath day to finish the preparations of Jesus burial, the body of Jesus was gone! The tomb was empty. The empty tomb was the first visible fact of the resurrection of Jesus, but there would be many more. Death could not contain the Lord of Life! Look on His deserted grave!
Hymn: 203 - Morning Breaks upon the Tomb
Part 6 - The Testimony of Some of Jesus’ Followers
After the appearance and witness of the angels, Jesus began to appear to His followers. First Mary Magdalene at the tomb, the other women on their way back to Jerusalem, and also to Peter. On Easter afternoon Jesus also appeared to two of His followers as they were traveling out of Jerusalem after they had heard some of the talk concerning the disappearance of Jesus’ body.
Scripture reading: Luke 24:13-35
Luke tells us that “beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He [Jesus] expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). While they journeyed together Jesus taught these two disciples. When the two men knew it had been Jesus they said, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road...” (Luke 24:32).
The same Jesus who had with powerful words proclaimed the message of the Gospel to the people during His ministry, was now alive and speaking the same powerful Word, teaching in a way that only He could. These disciples were so filled with joy when they understood that Jesus was alive that they immediately returned to Jerusalem that night to tell the other disciples: He is risen indeed!
Hymn: 194 - Abide with Us, the Day is WaningPart 7 - The Confirmation to Jesus’ Disciples
On Easter Sunday morning Jesus told the women to send the disciples to Galilee where Jesus would appear to them. Now that the feast was over the disciples had returned to their homes in Galilee and were waiting for Jesus to appear to them.
Scripture reading: John 21:1-8
But Simon grows impatient of waiting and decides to go fishing. They had fished all night and caught nothing. Here, early in the morning Jesus appears to them by the Sea of Galilee and tells them to cast out their nets again, and when they do, they caught a multitude of fish.
The very same miracle Jesus had performed at the beginning of His ministry. Seeing the great catch of fish, John said to Peter “It is the Lord!” The same Jesus who had walked the earth and had done great miracles, was alive!
Conclusion - The Facts of the Resurrection
Is the resurrection of Jesus fact or fiction? We have the promise of the Old Testament Scriptures; the promise of Christ Himself; During His ministry Jesus demonstrated the fact that He had power over death; there is the declaration of angels; the empty tomb; the eyewitness testimony of many of the followers of Jesus, who heard Him speak as none other could; and the confirmation of the disciples themselves who saw Him perform miracles that only He could. The resurrection of Jesus was confirmed to the disciples and is confirmed for us. Jesus lives! This shall be my confidence!
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 Amen.
Hymn: 735 - Long Before the World is Waking
Pastor Nathanael Mayhew