132 Hurricane Shoals Rd. Suite E
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Map of 132 Hurricane Shoals Rd. Suite E, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
From the North:
From Hwy 316 travel south on Highway 20 (Buford Drive). Turn right at the first light (Hurricane Shoals Road).
Turn right into the second driveway on your right. This is Premier Plaza. Drive around the left side of the
building. We are at the back of the building. A sign on the door should help you find it.
From the South:
From downtown Lawrenceville travel north on Highway 20 (Buford Drive). Turn left at the light on Hurricane Shoals Road.
Turn right into the second driveway on your right. This is Premier Plaza. Drive around the left side of the
building. We are at the back of the building. A sign on the door should help you find it.
If you have any questions about directions, please call Pastor Gantt (770) 962-9034.